Foto: Lična arhiva
Kako je mlada Lucija provela detinjstvo u svom rodnom gradu
Rođena sam u Kremoni, gradu violina!!!
Do sedme godine sam odrastala u sirotištu u Kremoni jer nisam imala roditelje.
Iskreno, mogu reći da je to bilo veoma tužno okruženje, iako dete ne može da razume
sve. Ipak, smatram se veoma srećnom jer sam se upravo zbog toga zaljubila u muziku

Foto: Lična arhiva
Odakle interesovanje za klasičnu muziku i operu?
Sirotište je bilo okruženo visokim zidovima koji su me sprečavali da vidim spoljni svet, ali nedaleko je bio gradski konzervatorijum iz kojeg sam čula magične glasove kako neverovatno pevaju melodije, i bila sam totalno fascinirana tim “magičnim svetom”… i tako sam odmah počela sanjati da postatanem deo toga jednog dana!
Iz tvog gledišta,koje zemlje u kojima ste nastupali su po vašem mišljenju ostavile najači utisak na vas?
Uvek kažem da je „Muzika rečnik snova“.
Svaki put kada sam krenula na putovanje, uvek sam imala mnogo briga i strahova da me ne razumeju ili ne cene, s obzirom na razlike u jeziku, kulturi i tradiciji… i svaki put,
muzika je uspela da me iznenadi.
Muzika je univerzalni jezik i verujem da gde god stigne, ima moć da stvori da svi sanjaju. Dakle, kao odgovor na ovo pitanje, mogu reći da sam zahvaljujući muzici uspela da svuda nosim svoje srce… muzika prevazilazi sve granice!!! Moram da kažem da je ovde u Srbiji, za novogodišnji koncert, zaista bilo divno.

Foto: Lična arhiva
Koju muziku voliš osim klasike i ko ti je bio idol?
Kada nešto zaista volite, volite to u celini… a ja volim svu muziku!
Moj idol? Božanstvena Marija Kalas. Prvi Božić koji sam provela sa svojom usvojiteljskom porodicom, moja baka i deda su mi poklonili CD “Casta Diva” Marije Kalas… to je bila ljubav na prvo slušanje.
Uskoro izlazi novi CD, da li će sadržati originalne kompozicije ili već poznate arije?
Moj prvi CD će se zvati “Canto” i sadržaće originalnu pesmu koja albumu daje naslov,
napisao moj producent Fabricio Campaneli, i deset obrada najlepših pesama zvučne podloge, evergrin i pop pesme koje odgovaraju mom vokalnom tonu i Liric-Pop stilu.
Može li se udobno živeti od opere?
Ne, veoma je teško udobno živeti samo od opere. Raditi i izdržavati se kroz muziku za to čovek mora biti veoma fleksibilan i mora proširiti svoje vidike.
Kako Lucija vidi sebe u budućnosti?
Ovo je veoma teško pitanje, i iskreno, ne bih znala kako da odgovorim jer život može biti nepredvidiv
sve se brzo menja, i naučila sam da ne očekujem ništa i da život se može u trenutku preokrenuti naučila sam da živim u sadašnjosti, što je jedina stvar koja nam zaista pripada i moramo to na najbolji način iskoristiti.
Svakako, nadam se da ću uvek imati hrabrosti da uradim stvari uprkos hiljadu sumnji i
beskrajnih strahova, da imam više iskustava koja će me naterati da rastem kao ličnost i kao umetnik i da ostanem neumorni sanjar kakav sam oduvek bila… jer snovi su motor sveta, i nema sumnje da univerzum uredi onako kako treba!
Da li planirate da se okušate u drugim muzičkim žanrovima koji nisu usko povezani sa klasičnom muzikom?
Realizacija mog prvog CD-a bila je izazov za mene i mogla sam da eksperimentišem sa žanrom
koji kombinuje najlepše aspekte i opere i popa.

Foto: Lična arhiva
Imate li neostvarenih želja na muzičkom polju?
Ne,iz mog skromnog glediđta, veoma sam zahvalna za ono što sam do sada postigla… pa ko će znati!
Koje ste nagrade do sada osvojili i koje su vam najvažnije?
Među takmičenjima na kojima sam učestvovala zauzela sam treće mesto na „Đani Pođi“
takmičenju i drugo mesto na takmičenju „Giovani cantanti lirici”.
2017. godine dobila sam nagradu publike na takmičenju „Citta di Lugano“ u Švajcarskoj, i
zahvaljujući tom takmičenju, tamo sam upoznala japanskog menadžera koji me je doveo u Japan na seriju koncerata u decembru 2018. u Tokiju, a zatim u oktobru 2019. u Čikagu, Amerika.
13. decembra 2022. dobila sam nagradu Radio Gaudium kao „mladi umetnik u nastajanju“ na
Teatro Bello u Milanu sa pesmom “STARLIGHT”.
To je bila najlepša nagrada, jedinstvena i jedno nezaboravno iskustvo koje sam doživela…
The life of the world diva
1. How did young Lucia spend her childhood in her hometown?
I was born in Cremona, the city of violins!!!
Until the age of seven, I grew up in the orphanage in Cremona because I didn’t have parents.
Honestly, I can say that it was a very sad environment, even though a child cannot understand
everything. Nevertheless, I consider myself very fortunate because it was precisely because of
this that I fell in love with music.
2. Where does the interest in classical music and opera come from?
The orphanage was surrounded by high walls that prevented me from seeing the outside world,
but not far away was the city’s conservatory, from which I heard magical voices singing incredible
melodies, and I was totally fascinated by that “magical world”… and so I immediately dreamed of
becoming a part of it one day!
3. In your opinion, which countries where you have performed have left the best
impressions and which ones the most?
I always say that “Music is the dictionary of Dreams.”
Every time I embarked on a journey, I always had many worries and fears of not being understood
or appreciated, considering the differences in language, culture, and tradition… and every time,
music managed to surprise me.
Music is the universal language, and I believe that wherever it reaches, it has the power to make
everyone dream. So, in response to this question, I can say that thanks to music, I have been able
to bring my heart everywhere… music transcends all boundaries!!! I must say that here in Serbia,
for the New Year’s concert performance, it was truly wonderful.
4. What other music do you like besides classical, and who is your idol?
When you truly love something, you love it in its entirety… and I love all music!
My idol? The Divine Maria Callas. The first Christmas I spent with my adoptive family, my
grandparents gave me the CD “Casta Diva” by Maria Callas as a gift… it was love at first listen.
5. Your new CD will be released soon, will it contain original compositions or familiar arias?
My first CD will be called “Canto,” and it will contain an original song that gives the album its title, written by my producer Fabrizio Campanelli, and ten cover songs of the most beautiful
soundtracks, evergreens, and pop songs that suit my vocal tone and Lyric-Pop style.
6. Is it possible to make a comfortable living from opera?
No, it is very difficult to make a comfortable living solely from opera. To work and sustain a living
through music, one must be very flexible and expand their horizons.
7. How do you see yourself in the future, Lucia?
This is a very difficult question, and honestly, I wouldn’t know how to answer because life can
change rapidly, and I have learned not to expect anything and to live in the present moment that I
am granted, which is the only thing that truly belongs to us, and we must make the best use of it.
Certainly, I hope to always have the courage to do things despite the thousand doubts and
endless fears, to have more experiences that will make me grow as a person and as an artist, and
to remain the tireless dreamer that I have always been… because dreams are the engine of the
world, and there is no doubt that in the end, the universe unfolds as it should!
8. Do you plan to explore other musical genres that are not strictly related to classical
The realization of my first CD has challenged me, and I have been able to experiment with a genre
that combines the most beautiful aspects of both opera and pop.
9. Do you have any unfulfilled musical desires?
No, in my own small way, I am very grateful for what I have achieved so far… then who knows!
10. What awards have you won so far, and which ones are the most important to you?
Among the competitions I have participated in, I came in third place at the “Gianni Poggi”
competition and second place at the “Giovani cantanti lirici” competition.
In 2017, I received the Audience Award at the “Città di Lugano” competition in Switzerland, and
thanks to that competition, I met a Japanese manager there who brought me to Japan for a series of concerts in December 2018 in Tokyo and then in October 2019 in Chicago, America. On
December 13, 2022, I received the Radio Gaudium Award as “Emerging Young Artist” at the
Teatro Bello in Milan with the song “STARLIGHT “.
The most beautiful award has been the unique and unforgettable experiences I have had…
Autor: Gojko Agatonović